
  • 指南
  • 2023年3月12日
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哈娜-李·塞奇威克著 2023年3月12日

虽然 ag体育正规 已经越来越成为高级体验(通常是昂贵的)的代名词了吗, there are still plenty of ways to make the most of the area without spending a fortune. Our guide to experiencing ag体育正规 on a budget includes some of the most charming destinations 和 activities for the budget-minded traveler, so whether you’re coming up from San Francisco for the day or flying in for a week-long stay, 你可以在不牺牲乐趣的情况下节省钱包.


豪华度假村 和 well-appointed boutique hotels abound in ag体育正规, but they often come with a hefty price tag. 幸运的是, when you need a comfortable place to stay that won’t eat up the bulk of your vacation budget, 不管你是否 夏季旅游 or 在淡季,有几个不错的选择可以考虑.


的历史 卡利斯托加酒店,餐厅和啤酒厂 设有17间干净舒适的二楼客房, 每间客房都配有一张双人床和私人盥洗池. 客房共用公共卫生间和淋浴设施, 是什么促成了酒店的可承受性, but the convenient location in the heart of downtown Calistoga more than makes up for it. +, 您将距离酒店自己的餐厅和啤酒厂几步之遥, 配有宽敞的露台和定期的现场音乐.

图片由 UpValley

在卡利斯托加附近, UpValley客栈 & 温泉 在不倾家荡产的情况下,有一个容易逃出去的地方吗. 提供乡村, 然而现代的装饰, 桑拿和蒸汽房, 加上自己的天然矿物温泉池和热水浴缸, 你会感觉到R&与其他卡利斯托加温泉度假村相比,R温泉的价格要低得多.

在纳帕市中心 夏布利酒酒店 提供便利的位置,附近的餐馆和商店, 很容易到达纳帕的一些顶级酿酒厂. 房间舒适而现代, 还有室外温水游泳池和热水浴缸, 你会得到一个清爽的假期. 想要在纳帕更豪华一点的东西,可以去看看 西尔维拉多度假胜地. 虽然严格来说不是“廉价”住宿, Silverado’s reasonable prices make it a more accessible destination than other resorts in Wine Country, 而众多的便利设施, 包括高尔夫球, 网球, 水疗中心, 现场用餐, 让逗留感觉像一个真正的假期.

预算友好型内部提示: 想呆在Silverado度假村少? 使用我们的 特别推广连结 最优惠的房费可以打八折, 50美元的度假积分, 赠送一瓶葡萄酒, 甚至延迟退房(根据空房情况). 一定要看看我们所有的 ag体育正规住宿优惠 for discounted rates 和 special perks like complimentary bottles of wine 和 spa credits.


吃 & 在纳帕市中心探索

图片由 牛首公开市场

位于纳帕河沿岸, downtown 纳帕 is an extremely walkable destination filled with plenty of things to do on the cheap. 我们建议前往 纳帕第一街 去细看许多精品店(是的, 可以随便逛逛), 然后在镇上悠闲地散步. 一定要看看沿途的雕塑纳帕艺术步道 当你漫步街头. This (free) urban exhibition of public artworks highlights the work of various artists throughout the West Coast. 在ag体育正规欢迎中心拿张地图, 你还可以在哪里获得更多关于该地区交易的信息, 比如买一送一的品尝.

When hunger strikes, 纳帕 has plenty of options where one can eat well while minding the budget. 不要错过 牛首公开市场, a collection of artisan restaurants 和 shops in 纳帕, 哪一个 offers something for every taste. 对于精打细算的人来说, 我们喜欢模特面包店的早餐, 大多数都在10美元以下, 你根本无法抗拒Gott 's 14美元的汉堡和薯条的午餐. 你也可以在C Casa找到15美元以下的各种美味玉米饼, or even pick up a few cheeses from the Oxbow Cheese 和 Wine Merchant to pack for an afternoon picnic in the vineyards.

图片由 Acumen葡萄酒画廊 | Susan DeMatei

If you’ve indulged in some wine tasting at any of 纳帕’s urban tasting rooms (such as 岩性,休息室 or Acumen葡萄酒画廊—both worthy of a visit), we wouldn’t blame you if a grilled cheese is calling your name. 在这种情况下,退房 融化了, a downtown s和wich shop specializing in ooey gooey grilled cheese s和wiches—most of 哪一个 are priced under $14. 附近, 赏金猎人 周一至周五提供特价欢乐时光, 以14美元的烧烤样品盘和7美元的整杯葡萄酒为特色.

If you’re hungry for more budget-conscious 食物 ideas, check out one of 纳帕’s 快餐车. 从汉堡和三明治到玉米饼和热狗,应有尽有, 如果你在镇上闲逛时发现了一个, 你的味蕾(和钱包)肯定会感谢你的. 虽然不在纳帕市中心,但我们的一辆美食车在 克里夫家族酒庄 在圣. 海伦娜, where you’ll find seasonal salads 和 snacks under $15—many made with organic ingredients grown in their own garden.



不足为奇的是, free wine tastings aren’t really a thing in ag体育正规 (without some sort of wine pass, 这是(详见下文). 有, 然而, 在葡萄酒之乡,你可以享受到一些实惠的品酒优惠, 如果你知道去哪里找的话. 想要品尝价格在每人32美元或以下的优质葡萄酒,请点击这里 班尼特莱恩, a Calistoga winery known for their friendly service 和 highly rated blends. 在卡利斯托加市中心 CAMi艺术+葡萄酒, 在这个城市的品酒室和艺术画廊里,每人起价30美元, 在AG体育平台市中心, 30美元可以让你在迷人的酒吧品尝三种葡萄酒 Jessup酒窖. 家族企业也值得一试 Trefethen. 不过品尝一下每人要花45美元, the quality of the experience 和 their estate-grown wines will leave you feeling like you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck.

在历史上 贝灵哲酒庄葡萄园 在圣. 海伦娜, 品酒的起价为每人35美元, but those simply looking for a glass of wine can take advantage of the weekend-only “stroll 和 sip” experience. 虽然不是坐着的体验, this $20 offering allows you to walk around the beautiful gardens of this iconic 145-year-old estate, 手里拿着一杯酒, 这绝对没有错.

虽然这需要你预付一些费用, Bay Area locals 和 those who visit ag体育正规 often may want to consider purchasing a 渴望通过 品酒通行证. You’ll get complimentary tastings at a h和ful of 纳帕 wineries (plus tastings in 索诺玛 County, 巴哈, 和其他地区), 哪一个, 每张票150美元, is a great deal considering the regular wine tasting fees at most wineries will run you $30 – $50+ per person. 这是你一边喝一边省钱的好方法.

预算友好型内部提示: 对于那些从索诺玛县机场(STS)起飞的人, 旧金山国际机场 (SFO),或 萨克拉门托国际机场 (SMF) on Alaska Airlines, be sure to take advantage of their “Wine Flies Free” program. It’s an easy way to transport your wine purchases back home—all you need to do is pack your wine in a shipping case box.



风景优美, 茂密的森林, 还有连绵起伏的葡萄园, 更不用说全年温和的气候了, ag体育正规是一个消磨时间的好地方 在户外. And luckily for those on a budget, many outdoor activities can be enjoyed at little to no cost. ag体育正规 is home to a variety of parks with picnic facilities 和 hiking trails, 其中大部分都是免费使用的. 位于St. 海伦娜, 都是ag体育正规州立公园 提供徒步小径,蜿蜒穿过海岸红杉和madrones, 以及高耸的道格拉斯杉树下的野餐设施. 在山谷的另一边,卢瑟福附近, 摩尔溪公园 offers multi-use trails worth exploring — great for hiking, mountain biking, 和 equestrian use. It’s also a good place to spot some wildlife, as large mammals in the park are plentiful.

靠近纳帕市中心, 奥尔斯顿公园 是一个受狗主人欢迎的公园吗, 多亏了不带皮带的狗区, 但也有一个简单的2.7英里的环形步道,沿途盛开着美丽的野花.

同样值得探索的还有Calistoga餐厅 石化林这是一片保存完好的红杉化石森林. Walk along the trails to explore this unique outdoor exhibition as you learn more about the excavation of the trees 和 the petrification process. 门票为成人12美元,儿童6美元(6岁以下儿童免费)。.

图片由 逃跑的冒险

在两个轮子上享受悠闲的户外体验, take advantage of hourly bike rentals (哪一个 will run you about $20+ per hour or $55+ per day) from places like 逃跑的冒险 or 享受ag体育正规. 花一天时间骑自行车 沿着12.5-mile car-free bike path known as the Vine Trail or plan to venture along the scenic Silverado Trail, 这里有许多纳帕最著名的酒庄.


这听起来很明显, but planning your trip to 纳帕 在淡季 months or even mid-week during high season can usually help you cut costs. 酒店不仅会提供更优惠的价格, 但餐馆通常不会那么拥挤, 这样你就有更多的机会在令人垂涎的欢乐时光里抢到座位.

It’d be a shame to come to ag体育正规 和 not enjoy a great bottle of wine with a good meal. While many restaurants pride themselves on their fantastic wine lists (和 for good reason), we realize that not everyone can afford to splurge on wine 和 食物 in one sitting. Good news for those on a budget: several 纳帕 restaurants will allow you to bring your own bottle 和 pay a corkage fee. 当然, 开瓶费和规定因餐厅而异, 所以一定要提前和每家餐厅确认.

在葡萄园享受野餐. 图片由Getty Images提供

最后, many ag体育正规 wineries offer picnic facilities on-site to enjoy during a tasting or with the purchase of a bottle of wine. 而一些酒庄提供野餐供应, 有些甚至允许你自带食物.


总之,纳帕可能会吸引 奢华的酒店高端旅游目的地, but it’s not necessary to spend a fortune to have a transformative experience in this picturesque region. 有 plenty of authentic 和 budget-friendly experiences waiting to be had in Wine Country, 再加上一点计划和创意, a visit to 纳帕 on a budget just may lead to the most memorable vacation yet.